Sum of Digit is Pallindrome or not Given a number N.Find if the digit sum(or sum of digits) of N is a Palindrome number or not. Note:A Palindrome number is a number which stays the same when reversed.Example- 121,131,7 etc. Example 1: Input: N=56 Output: 1 Explanation: The digit sum of 56 is 5+6=11. Since, 11 is a palindrome number.Thus, answer is 1. Example 2: Input: N=98 Output: 0 Explanation: The digit sum of 98 is 9+8=17. Since 17 is not a palindrome,thus, answer is 0. Your Task: You don't need to read input or print aything.Your Task is to complete the function isDigitSumPalindrome() which takes a number N as input parameter and returns 1 if the Digit sum of N is a palindrome.Otherwise it returns 0. Expected Time Complexi...